Sunday, May 3, 2020

Everything about Corona Virus

"The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 as a pandemic based on the rate and pattern of spread and severity of the disease." Since December 2019, COVID-19 started spreading in China until it reaches 2.7 million cases worldwide. It is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus that is spreading rapidly. Many countries are fighting the spread of the virus, and the most efficient way to win the battle against COVID-19 is practicing social distancing and taking precautions. To stop the chain of the coronavirus spread, one should be able to recognize the ways this virus is transmitted and how to take proper precautions.

First, COVID-19 is transmitted from infected people in a direct and indirect way. The droplets expelled from an infected person when he coughs, sneezes or talks cause the spread of the virus. On one hand, the infected person can be close to another healthy person who is breathing in these droplets hence becomes infected. On the other hand, these droplets can land on surfaces (doorknobs, tables) and the ground, so if a person touches these surfaces, then his face, he will become infected too. In Italy, some research was made to explain the exponential spread of the virus, and they realized that since the droplets land on the ground, people were getting infected and spreading the virus quicker for not disinfecting their shoes. Moreover, research is being conducted on whether pets can transmit COVID-19 to humans and until now no specific answer; however, animals in contact with infected humans tested positive for COVID-19 and were able to spread it to their species.
Second, many counties' health systems and hospitals are failing to stand a significant number of patients like Italy, for example. Therefore, the best way to defeat this virus is to stop its spread. The most important step is washing the hands regularly to kill the germs and avoiding touching the face. Note that washing the hands properly with soap should take at least 20 seconds; the person should clean his fingers, thumbs, nails, and palms, then rinse with water and dry with a clean towel. After that comes social distancing and avoiding crowded places. One should keep at least a one-meter distance from the other person. Besides, wearing a surgical mask can protect the person; however, it should be reserved for health workers and people with direct contact with patients.
Third, infected people should be responsible and help to stop the spread of this disease. For instance, they should wear the N95 mask to avoid expelling droplets in the air, follow the sneezing or coughing etiquette which is coughing and sneezing in tissue and dropping it instantly, practice self-isolation, avoid contact with people and report their case to the hospital. Furthermore, in case an infected person lives with his family, they will have to wear surgical masks, ventilate the rooms, clean the surfaces and toilets regularly, and keep a distance of at least one meter from the patient.

Finally, 80% of the COVID-19 patients recover without severe illness, and the weakest patients are usually older people and children. No vaccines and cure are found yet, so to break the chain, we should clean and disinfect. Protect your loved ones, be careful, and follow some good hygiene.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Does an age gap really matter in a relationship?

Most people look for a new partner who is within five or ten years of their own age. But they may be missing out on good matches who are outside their specified age bracket. When it comes to finding a healthy and lasting relationship does a large age gap really matter?
1. SIMPLY love happens
All our lives we try to plan every minute, every detail of our life. Thankfully, we leave falling in love to chance.
We let our emotions take over
and flow along with them to wherever they might take us.

The same happens when two people sharing a huge age gap meet, are able to find a connection through hobbies, interests, and other activities that they collectively like, it will essentially define how their relationship will progress.

The success of a relationship depends on the extent to which partners share similar values, beliefs and goals about their relationship; support each other in achieving personal goals; foster relationship commitment, trust and intimacy; and resolve problems in constructive ways. These factors have little do with age.

These are examples of celebrities
So when the couple is based on love, commitment and trust, age should be no barrier

2. Energy level and maturity are more important than a number.
if you are dating someone much older, but they are healthy and fit, then your energy levels align. Being vibrant and energetic is essential because you are young and want to experience everything
And you could be dating someone much younger, but they are emotionally mature. Furthermore, Maturity is something that develops after experiences we face in life; you don't just magically become mature on your 25th birthday. You can mature at a very young age.
3. Learning from each other is key. Counter Argument
Although people say that It can be easier to spend time with someone closer to your own age; you grew up with the same music, TV shows, culture, movies, fads, politics etc… this can make it easier to talk about things and share memories.”  But This doesn’t guarantee compatibility
One of the most important things in a relationship is learning from each other’s.
One of the best things about dating someone who’s born in a different era than you, is soaking up their understanding of the world. “Dating someone older can provide you with their knowledge and experience and even wisdom,” “You may learn a lot from this person. On the other hand, dating someone younger can allow you to have fun and grow in different ways.
But… What will people say? Many of us refrain from doing a lot of things like being in a relationship with someone older/younger just because of the fear of people’s judgments and criticism
Put your own happiness first
What they say DOESN’T MATTER because:

Let love work its mysterious magic if you find yourself having a special connection with someone who is older or younger than you. Explore it and let it grow beautifully.

Are we becoming slaves of Technology?

Technology has provided us countless advances in many fields especially in communication; however, our world became online, our connections became digital and our friends became virtual. Thus, among the theories that attempt to explain the paradox of progress, spending more time with technology and less time with one another is the most significant one (Sherry Turkle). In fact, “most people now check their smartphones 150 times per day” (Ms. Colier). We became obsessed with online chatting, posting pictures and being constantly active and up to date… We are bombarded with notifications, likes, comments and chats that we forget real-life connections and spend less and less time with our families, our “real friends”, our surroundings… What nurture and give us potential is our real-life connections and experiences. Hence, in a face-to-face conversation, we involve our emotions, our personality and all our presence; we are not hiding behind a screen. Furthermore, people nowadays suffer from intimacy deficit. The fact that people post on social media every detail about their lives is extremely dangerous: engagements, photos, “checks-in”, even food they are eating… Finally, “we are the children of technology” and getting rid of it is quite difficult because it is undeniable that technology has impressive benefits, so prioritizing real connections and relationships and managing our time help us maintain a happy and healthy life and satisfying all our psychological needs. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Fake news is all around us, spreading
all over the social media and deceiving many people. In fact, people who are part of WhatsApp and Facebook groups are more active news sharers than people outside these networks. This is exactly what is happening during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic when many falsehoods have been shared online. One day, I received a message on WhatsApp about the dramatic spread of COVID-19 in Lebanon and the high statistics where supported by “experts” names. The article seemed formal and credible, and there was a picture of the minister of Health and his signature; however, when I checked the minister’s page, he did not post any of these numbers. Moreover, fake news in “voice notes” invade WhatsApp and are accompanied with images and videos to convince; for instance, a voice note was shared of a woman telling people to leave Lebanon saying that the Lebanese government agreed to accept the Iranians diagnosed with COVID-19. We share the news before fact-checking it because simply falsehoods are designed in a persuasive style that fools people.
 Promoting misinformation and falsehoods has severe drawbacks on the society because information shapes our world view: we make important decisions based on information...Furthermore, the spread of fake news has major consequences and “is killing people’s minds”; first, fake news are persuasive and could be used for advertising a harmful and unhealthy product or diet. Second, falsehoods could influence and alter the outcome of elections and are used for political purposes. Third effect of fake news: the distrust in social media news that increased to 49% in 2019. Then, the most important effect is that many falsehoods promote hate and cause conflicts between political parties or religions and even cause discrimination and racism. “Beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance” (Georges Shaw)
Finally, I believe that cracking down on fake news demands wisdom, transparency and honesty because we must diminish falsehoods without stepping on the freedom of speech and of press. However, educating and building skills among youth is essentially the best solution.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

How will corona virus affect our lives in the future?

Today, with more than 2.5 million confirmed corona virus cases, many questions are being asked, the most important one is how will this virus affect our lives in the future.
The answer to this question is very wide.
So let's talk about the education, economics and finally social changes:
1- Since schools and universities are closed, online courses appeared and became a remarkable part of the quarantine. All students around the world are now studying online which makes online studying in the future more developed and maybe someday replace schools and universities!
2- Since the first case of coronavirus, economy is getting affected so bad that many companies are down, countries are in more debt and the whole word is facing terrible salaries decreases. That's why in the future, companies will no longer need humans, they will replace them with machines that won't be affected by any virus or problem and by that economy won't be affected that much!
3- Quarantine made people isolated more than ever; people won't see each others in weeks or maybe months that why human relations are getting worse and weaker, people don't need to talk to others unless they want something from them!

Everything about Corona Virus

"The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 as a pandemic based on the rate and pattern of spread and severity of the ...