Thursday, April 23, 2020


Fake news is all around us, spreading
all over the social media and deceiving many people. In fact, people who are part of WhatsApp and Facebook groups are more active news sharers than people outside these networks. This is exactly what is happening during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic when many falsehoods have been shared online. One day, I received a message on WhatsApp about the dramatic spread of COVID-19 in Lebanon and the high statistics where supported by “experts” names. The article seemed formal and credible, and there was a picture of the minister of Health and his signature; however, when I checked the minister’s page, he did not post any of these numbers. Moreover, fake news in “voice notes” invade WhatsApp and are accompanied with images and videos to convince; for instance, a voice note was shared of a woman telling people to leave Lebanon saying that the Lebanese government agreed to accept the Iranians diagnosed with COVID-19. We share the news before fact-checking it because simply falsehoods are designed in a persuasive style that fools people.
 Promoting misinformation and falsehoods has severe drawbacks on the society because information shapes our world view: we make important decisions based on information...Furthermore, the spread of fake news has major consequences and “is killing people’s minds”; first, fake news are persuasive and could be used for advertising a harmful and unhealthy product or diet. Second, falsehoods could influence and alter the outcome of elections and are used for political purposes. Third effect of fake news: the distrust in social media news that increased to 49% in 2019. Then, the most important effect is that many falsehoods promote hate and cause conflicts between political parties or religions and even cause discrimination and racism. “Beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance” (Georges Shaw)
Finally, I believe that cracking down on fake news demands wisdom, transparency and honesty because we must diminish falsehoods without stepping on the freedom of speech and of press. However, educating and building skills among youth is essentially the best solution.

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